Ghana is a beautiful country rich in minerals and natural resources but many of the people are poor. According to the Poverty Probability Index (PPI) 2011 report, 98 percent of the youth live on less than $8 per day while children under the age of 18 live on less than $1 per day. Ghana’s 2016/17 Living Standards Survey (GLSS7) puts the country under extreme poverty.
Welcome Message From The Executive Directors

Our mission is to help and support the well-being of children and the youth. Many of them are bright and dream of getting an education and a career that will better their position in life. The Pinasol Foundation is working toward these Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Youth Employment Centre
Pinasol in collaboration with iMPACT direct and Wilde Ganzen set to establish a skills training centre in Sekyere East District, Juaben Municipal Assembly. This will be a centre of excellence aimed at first training 130 youth and an additional 500 youths in a long term after completion. Besides, it is a hub where the unemployed youth acquire employable skills or become self-employed. Overall, the training centre serves the entire community.
The entire building is 70% complete with block and civil work ongoing
- Gender Equality
- Clean Water and Sanitation
- Affordable and Clean Energy
Upcoming Events
To break the chain of poverty that enslaves people around the world through education and empowerment programs
Charity Fund
Your donations of cash, used clothing, old toys, and any the useful items will greatly help us and God will bless you. I hope you will take the time to review our website and learn what we are all about. We desperately need your support.
Together we can make a difference!
Uplift the standard of living for the marginalized, vulnerable and disadvantaged people both spiritually and physically.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
We are also looking for those who would be interested in building schools, colleges, hospitals, factories or churches. If you are interested in locating a business in Ghana; such as, a farm, agricultural business, manufacturing, mining, financial or any other productive business; please contact us.