
Our Programmes

Child and family sponsorship is a program which seeks to provide financial and material support to families and children to have access to food, education, cloths and shelter for the child well-being.

  1. You identify a child in Ghana and you make him or her your pen friend or your child
  2. You send him or her letters, pictures and regular mails and at least $1.00 dollars a day. This helps to provide the basic needs of the child.
  3. You choose the gender and age of a child who can be a needy child or an orphan and we send the particulars of the child to you.
  4. Our responsibility is to closely monitor the child and give you the report of the child every quarter. We hope you will make a decision now. Please complete our partnership form below
  1. Food security and family resilience
  2. Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  3. Spiritual nurturing of children
  4. Community empowerment and poverty alleviation
  5. Access to health care

Pinasol Foundation seeks to  Provide technical and vocational education to the youth and also coordinate the activities of the informal sector players such as Ghana Dressmakers Association, Association of hair dressers  And Beauticians, etc  in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
Currently, we are working with Commission For Technical Vocational Education And Training  to provide entrepreneurial and skills training to the informal sectors.
These sectors are hairdressing, masonry, carpentry, car body works, electricians ETC.
More than 300 master craftsmen and women have benefited from this training and have been awarded master crafts certificates from N.V.T.I./CTVET

The foundation strives to enhance and maintain access to safe drinking water and a clean environment in communities and institutions. This has been achieved by ensuring that households and institutions have improved toilet facilities and appropriately designated places for refuse disposal. In addition, communities and institutions have sustained access to safe water for multiple uses. And also, increase hygiene knowledge and practices in communities and institutions. Pinasol foundation had training and capacity in water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and have implemented a number of interventions with World Vision Ghana such as provision of water system for 22 communities in the Sekyere East District.

Pinasol and World Vision trained church leaders on WASH sermon which is how WASH was integrated into the biblical sermons to support the communities to overcome their WASH challenges and also helped to fight covid-19 pandemic. Pinasol conducted many monitoring and evaluation on behalf of water sanitation and hygiene.

Pinasol Foundation’s food security and agricultural programs respond to the needs of rural farmers, enabling them to improve their skills and increase their productivity through access to information and modern technology.
Our priorities focus on crop productivity, diversification, food processing and marketing as a means to increase household food security and raise household incomes.
We also seek to promote enhanced family nutrition.
Projects provide: capacity building and organizational formation, credit to farmers, small-scale business training, improved seeds and tools, training in improved production techniques, post-harvest storage and food processing, and nutrition training.
We also seek to provide farmers with enhanced local, cross-border, and international market linkages. Pinasol has traditionally worked with farmer groups, cooperatives, and especially with women’s groups.
We establish farms to provide employment by producing crops such as mushrooms, maize, cassava, plantains, etc. in addition to poultry farming. We also teach the rural farmers with best practices to produce good yields. The Food Security and Agribusiness project addresses Sustainable development goals, 1, 2,3,8, 11

No Poverty – The project will help reduce poverty by increasing the incomes of farming families. It is no doubt the contribution of farming families to the general food security of the world. This project will increase the productivity of the farmers and help them to run their project as a business, thereby increasing their incomes.

Zero Hunger – The capacity building for farming families within this project will help increase their food production using best practices. This will increase the food produced by the farmers. The project also sensitizes and train the farmers on nutritious consumption. The nutritious consumption will lead to better health and wellbeing for the farming families in goal 3.

Economic growth – training and supporting farming families to increase their productivity and linking them to institutional buyers and medium income consumers will directly increase the incomes of farmers by more than 50% at the least.

Climate Action: An integral part of the capacity building is to train the farmers to be aware of climate change issues and prepare their enterprises and themselves to take action to increase their resilience. The farming families will be trained to manage their water, utilize their waste, plant and protect trees among others. This will increase climate resilience for the farming families

The foundation plays a vital role in conserving natural resources, protecting ecosystems, and raising environmental awareness within communities.

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